Λογω της ημερας, ανεβαζουμε ενημερωτικο σατιρικο βιντεακι απο το βιντεοσωληνα! Οι πληροφοριες περι του βιντεο ειναι γραμμενες αγγλικα και δινουν συνδεσμους (links) προς τα ηλεκτρονικα μεσα που ασχοληθηκαν με το θεμα. Κατω κατω, αναφερεται η πρωτη του εμφανιση.
About This Videoprophet Liako sue funEL blogspot and police arrest somebody that has A LINK of this blogspot (Blogme.gr)
Greek blog aggregator arrested
Published 1 month ago in Internet, Journalism, Technology, WSIS, IGF
The Internet Governance Forum will start on Monday morning but already the debate has started - and it is surrounding freedom of speech online.
There are several reports that the Greek authorities arrested a man for linking - not writing, but linking - to blog posts that had satirised a businessman (possibly a TV evangelist). The businessman complained to the police and the police picked up the adminstrator of blog aggregation site blogme.gr - and charged him.
Update: The man arrested was Antonis Tsipropoulos and the target of the satire was Dimosthenis Liakopoulos - a controversial Greek tele-evangelist. The satire site that mocks Mr Liakopoulos can be found at funel.blogspot.com, but since it is hosted in the US, neither the Greek authorities nor even Mr Liakopoulos can get at it.
What Mr Tsipropoulos has been charged with, god only knows. But this is a spectactular own goal by the Greek authorites on the eve of the IGF. Particularly since making a crime of linking to someone else's content is pure, and legally foolhardy, censorship.
It's all over the Greek blogosphere, but I can't understand the majority of it. Except for the fact that there appears to be movement building to protest outside the conference hotel as a statement against the arrest.
Yesterday, Amnesty International started a campaign to draw attention to those blogger across the world that have been imprisoned because of information they have posted online.
http://www.schockwellenreiter.de/2006... sJungerArbeitsloser
http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Greek_blo... dministrator_jailed%2C_service_censored
http://www.planet.nl/planet/show/id=1... sc=1b58ed
http://www.webwereld.nl/articles/4353... vanwege-rss-links.html
http://www.hellas-rhein- main.de/beitrag_Griechischer+Blogger+ver haftet_1870.html
http://weblogs.nrc.nl/weblog/klaver/2... weblogger-gearresteerd-wegens-links/
http://www.aon.at/portal/site/aon/men... bf1cb10740208c2/?vgnextoid=ae4062aa0299e 010VgnVCM2000004f1a1 facRCRD
http://webnews.html.it/news/stampa/49... colpevole-arrestato-lautore/
http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/200... searching-globally-for-the-internets-com mon-ground/
http://www.mein-parteibuch.de/2006/10... griechenland-verhaftet/
http://www.webpronews.com/insiderrepo... 9-20061030AmnestyToPressUNOnBloggerRight s.html
http://www.voiceofarizona.com/Greek_b... _a-5117-3-436.htm
http://www.katallaxi.se/2006/10/30/oc... allting-gott/
http://www.ra-blog.de/2006/10/30/grie... blogverzeichnis-betreiber-verhaftet/
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/10/... ed/
http://www.nu.nl/news/866883/52/Griek... eblogger.html
http://standaard.typepad.com/en_nu_ev... ur.html
http://www.pulpmovies.com/gagwatch/20... arrested-for-satire/
http://www.mbg.trivulzio.com/Articles... co.html
http://www.ovimagazine.com/art/972?PH... 49408affe950aae8c
Added: November 08, 2006
From: funel
Category: Comedy
Tags: greek liako λιακόπουλος trash tv cult nationalism LIAKOPOULOS liakopoulos evangelist antisemitism conspiracy orthodox
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